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Around a week took place at Hogwarts before Summer came. She was now officially 8 months pregnant. Currently staying with the Weasleys. Although, Fred and George were staring to move them out due to them finding a house.

"Molly. Do you know if we have any ice cream?" Iris asked, struggling down the remainder of the steps.
"Oh.. dear, you should be upstairs resting. Not down here looking for food. Fred should be upstairs, helping you out and getting you everything you need." Molly stated, rushing over to her side.
"He's taking a nap... He was up all night rubbing my stomach..." She sighed. "Plus, he's going to the Joke Shop later to finally open with George... Sure, the apartment upstairs of it isn't completely done yet, but it's getting there... It's a lot of stres..." She groaned soft but let Molly help her back up the stairs.

Around an hour later George and Fred rushed off to the joke shop to open it up. It wouldn't have buyers in till later on of the Summer, but they had workers coming to sort out downstairs and some to help finish the apartment upstairs of it.

However later that night she heard yelling downstairs in the house. People talking about Harry. But then she heard Harry so she started making her way downstairs.

"Ah.. There's my baby brother." iris stated, finally getting downstairs to where he was.
"Iris!" Harry spoke and instantly hugged her before stepping back for a moment. "That baby sure is growing. Recon you'll give birth before we go back to Hogwarts?" Harry questioned.
"From what my doctors have said, I should give birth around a week before you go to Hogwarts... Although, it's not confirmed. I could still end up giving birth after you've gone back." She shrugged. "But I bet the baby is excited to meet his uncles and aunts. And.. Godmother and Godfathers." She smiled.

"You've thought of who would be the Godmother and Godfathers?" Hermione questioned instantly.
"Of course I have. And I've even thought of the babies name." Iris laughed but whines soft as the laughter caused the baby to kick rather hard. "I should get back upstairs and rest." She stated before slowly walking off.

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