Start of Summer

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The train ride went somewhat well. Fred supporting her the whole way.
As soon as they did arrive, he guided her over to Remus and Molly who were stood, chatting quietly to one another.
Fred gently kissed her cheek, passing her over to Remus, who would be looking after her with Sirius for a couple of days till the Weasley's got to Sirius' home for the remainder of the Summer.

"Bye." She mumbled softly.
"Bye my darling. I love you." Fred spoke before watching her leave with Remus. Remus was helping her by holding her waist and using his other hand to pull her belonging's with them.

Soon they arrived home and they carefully went inside. Remus would be staying the whole summer apparently to help Iris. But also because there would be quite a few visitors over the whole Summer.

Some Aura's would be there visiting, including Severus Snape.
And of course, the Weasley's were there too.

"Hey iris, how are you feeling?" Sirius asked, walking down the coridoor towards them.
"I'm feeling better Uncle Paddy. Professor Dumbledore said I just needed a bit of rest." She shrugged.
"Well, that's expected. I mean, you could have died. Well... That's your 2nd time nearly dying." Sirius laughed. "You a cat or something?" He asked.

"Sirius, not now. Iris need's some rest. Dumbledore even said that. Here Iris, how about we get you upstairs to your bedroom. Tuck you in and let you have a rest." Remus spoke to her.
"Yeah... That sounds really good right now Uncle Moony... Thank you." She smiled softly, letting Sirius take her belongings to that Remus could help her up the stairs.

Once at her room, Remus gently helped her into bed and tucked her in while Sirius put her belonging's into the corner.

"We'll have lunch ready for when you wake." Remus smiled softly before leaving with Sirius who had attempted to stay, but in dog form.

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