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"Ready for today, Iris?" Fred asked while pulling on his Quiditch boots.
"I guess. It's a bit weird that Harry will be our Seeker though. Don't know if he knows the game right, or if he's even any good. I know he's my brother and I should believe in him... But he's the SEEKER. How he plays will say if we win or if we lose." She sighed.
"Love the confidence you have in your brother." George smirked.
"Listen, Darling. If he does good or bad, that's fine. It's his first game and we can always win the next one and still win the whole cup at the end of the year. Don't freak out too much. Plus, nerves aren't good for a game. What if you get injured?" Fred told her, gently pulling her into a hug against his own chest.
"Right... I won't freak out now, but if he's stupid during Quiditch today, then you are taking the blow for him,  got it?" She asked.
"I will gladly take the blow if it helps calm you down Darling." Fred smiled soft before helping her sort out her own boots. "Tight enough?" He asked.
"Yeah, that's fine, thank you." Iris smiled.
"Get a room." George rolled his eyes.

After a while they headed down to meet up with the team. They only had a few moments before they started walking together to the pitch with the whole team.

The order went... Oliver, Harry, Iris, Fred, George, and then the others at the back of the line. They were walking to the enterance of the pitch.
They stood in order, waiting to be called out.

"Scared Harry?" She heard Oliver asked him.
"A little." Harry had replied.

She knew that Oliver was a good teacher when it came to Quiditch but he could be scarey sometimes. So she just smirked and left them to chat. Afterall, how can Harry learn to be a great Quiditch player if he didn't get scared atleast once?

Soon they got onto the pitch, followed closely by Slytherin. The games with Slytherin was always violent, and injury was almost impossible to prevent, but it was fun anyways.

Within long, the game started and the points started to go up. From either side. She heard people yelling at the fact that Harry was unable to control his broom, however as she was focused on the game and earning points for the team, she didn't quite get time to see what was going on.

A little further into the game, she saw Harry zoom past her, after the Snitch that had flown past. Seeing as people usually stopped playing to watch the Seekers follow the snitch, she stopped to watch her brother and the Slytherin Seeker. Harry was fast on his broom, and it was honestly rather impressive.
They soon had to chase the Snitch downwards. She gulped, holding onto her broom tighter in hopes he wouldn't hit the floor.

Thankfully however he flatted out his broom very close to the floor, around a foot upwards. And then reached out while stood up on his broom. A very risky move on his first ever match.

Suddenly Harry fell forwards and hit the floor. She nearly moved to rush over to make sure her brother was okay. However, she was releaved as he stood up. That didn't stop him from making her panic. He then started making gagging motions before spitting up the snitch into his hands. She grimaced at how yucky it seemed. But that did mean their team had won. She smiled as Gryffindor was announced as the winner.

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