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Quite a bit of things went on all the way up to Christmas. However Christmas day soon came and Fred was quick to greet her in the Common Room.
"Goodmorning Darling. Merry Christmas." He smiled, gently pulling her into a hug.
"You've done something you shouldn't have... Haven't you?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Depends what you would class as something I should not have done." Fred smirked.
"Been doing anything to my brother?" She smirked.
"We may or may not have given him... uhm... The marauders map." He gulped.

"You  gave him... The one thing... That helped us work around Hogwarts right? Are you stupid?" She asked.
"We need to pass on what we had, Darling. We can't keep it for ourselves, despite how much we might want to." Fred told her, gently kissing her forehead.
"Fred... You don't understand... Harry does stupid things every single year. What if he decides to use the map as an advantage to do something stupid?" She asked.
"Well.. If he does something stupid, he has you, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall.. Professor Dumbledore.. All to yell and tell him off. Especially if he does anything like last year or the year before that." Fred told her.

Sh sighed softly. "What if the Professors think it's our fault for letting him... I mean we had the map before. You two are the ones who gave it to Harry... So we'll be in trouble." She stated.
"No we wont darling. I promise. Now. it's Christmas. Let's not think about how dumb our brothers can be. Let's go meet up with George so we can open our presents together." Fred smiled softly, kissing her cheek before grabbing hold of her hand.

"Fine... Let's go and open presents together I guess. Best thing we can do for now." She nodded, following after Fred.

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