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Fred had decided to go off and mess around with George, so Iris spent quite a bit of time jiust laid on one of the sofa's. Resting but also thinking about the whole issue Fred and herself might find themselves in sooner or later.

Sure... it was the last year at Hogwarts. And sure, her mother got pregnant with her around the same time. But... It didn't sound right... Wasn't she too young?

Arthur was the one to take Harry to his court hearing. And of course, Dumbledore was the person who protected Harry of what had happened.

"How're you feeling Iris dear?" Molly asked, walking into the sitting room to where she was laid.
"I'm fine.. Just thinking." She shrugged slightly.
"Yes, that's understandable. Where's Fred?" Molly asked.
"He's out messing with George upstairs." She shrugged.
"He should be down here comforting you..." Molly stated.
"It's fine Molly. He can spend some time with his brother." iris smiled gently.
"Well... Call me in if you need me." Molly sighed before turning and leaving.

A couple minutes later, Sirius walked in and plopped down onto the sofa right beside her.
"Molly told us what happened last night. How you and Fred had that small... Issue." Sirius spoke.
"Merlin.,. Thought Molly would be the one to keep it private.." Iris sighed, covering her face with her hands.
"No worries kid. I had this laugh like 18 years ago when your mother got pregnant. Oddly the same way." Sirius laughed softly.

"Wait... Mum and dad had the same accident which led to the pregnancy? I thought it was planned..." She spoke, her eyes widening slightly.

"Yeahh. Guess no one exactly told you before now though. It's fine though. We'll have to see how everything goes. You've only just done that. uhm deed." Sirius shrugged and then left.

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