World Cup Issue

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The match went well. But it was kind of a quick game. They returned to the tent straight after, mainly the boys celebrating about the winner.
iris was feeling a little on edge... But nothing bad was happening so she had no idea why she felt that particular way... She walked out of the tent to go on a walk. Just to clear her mind.

However.. Just moments later, the whole area of camp was filled with caos of screaming and shouting. Magic shooting out and hitting people.
Death Eaters...

"GET TO SAFETY!" Iris yelled out, running with the crouds to the edge of the camp area. But then Fred, George and everyone turned up... Although Harry wasn't.

"Where is Harry?" She gasped, trying to run forwards in hunt for her brother.
"Iris. No!" Fred yelled out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to him. "No. We aren't doing this today. Harry is fine. You dont need to go possibly get yourself killed, just for him when he's probably fine." Fred told her, pulling her face gently to his chest.

As suspected, a little while passed and people caught up. Including Harry.
"Harry... Thank Merlin." She gasped, rushing over and hugging him.
"Sorry Iris... Forgot you worried about me." Harry sighed, rolling his eyes slightly.
"Harry, I suggest you dont roll your eyes. Iris was prepared to go back into the danger to make sure you were safe. Be greatful." George told him.

They returned back to the Burrow that night. Early, but due to the Death Eaters, it was their best option. Especially for their safety.

They did have a couple days till they returned to Hogwarts, sure. And things could change. But Iris had the feeling this year would be rather entertaining... Especially if Death Eaters had already been seen...

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