Sick - Escape

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It had been a while into the Summer and it was the day before Harry's birthday when Iris woke up coughing softly. She glanced over at the clock and noticed it was already 11am. Quite late into the day. She groaned softly while sitting up. Rubbing her temples.
She didn't even bother changing her clothes before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

She coughed softly again, walking over to Petunua. "Aunt P-Petunia... Where's the thermometer..." She mumbled.
Petunia glanced at her, before then going into a draw and handing her the thermometer. "Check yourself here." She stated.

Iris put the thermometer in her mouth and then waited a little while, right infront of Petunia who was watching her carefully. Petunia then took it from her mouth and glanced at the numbers.

"37.8 Celcius, you have a fever, go back up to bed and don't go near your cousin. I don't want Dudley getting whatever bug you've got." Petunia told her.
"Got it..." Iris nodded, coughing softly before heading back up to bed.

Through the day, she heard plenty of banging, talking, yelling, more. She had no energy to get up and see what was going on. Although it was around 8pm she heard Drilling. Knowing the family, Vernon was probably fixing something after the guests left.

The house was once again silent until it was very dark when she heard an engine outside. She opened her eyes and looked at the window. A car was floating outside and she saw the Weasley twins and Ron inside it. She slowly opened the window.

"W-What're you doing here?" She asked, coughing again.
"You haven't sent any letters, or Harry. We're getting Harry after you." Fred explained.
"I d-Did send letters.. You didn't send any.." She coughed again.
"Weird... We sent them.. But we didn't get any of yours." George spoke. Iris gave the stuff to them and they put it in the car. Fred then carefully helped her into the car and onto his lap. It was the only way Harry would be able to sit in the car with them all.

"You're burning up." Fred pointed out, his hand going onto her forehead.
"mhm... Sick.." She mumbled.
"I'm sure mum will help you out." Fred gently kissed her head.

Within moments she had almost fallen asleep in Fred's arms. But she was disrupted with yelling and slamming. But thankfully moments later she heard Harry's voice in the car. She then fell asleep.

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