holiday ruined | karlnap

Start from the beginning

Karl talked passionately about anything and everything sapnap just watching him as his hands moved in expressiveness.

Sapnap just adding a load of 'yes' 'i know right' and 'i don't know's

"Time skip until the hotel"

The two found there room it was a cute one room beach themed room with a double bed and a bathroom.

Karl collapsed onto the bed opening his arms for sapnap to crawl into.

"Ugh I'm so tired" he groaned as sapnap jumped into bed beside him. "But you look so cute when you are" sapnap said cupping Karl's soft face,

"Stawwpp" Karl giggled hiding his flushed face.
"Hmm Noo" sapnap mumbled softly wrapping his arms around Karl. "Hmm" Karl hummed peacefully.


They spent most of the their first two days hanging beside the pool. Either they were in it together having fun and splashing around or laying on one of the sun beds Karl lying on sapnaps chest.

Sapnap had a little surprise for Karl that he'd take him out to dinner at this really nice sea food buffet place.

The only problem was that Karl seemed to have his eyes on something that looked let's just say less than fresh. "Karl I honestly don't think you should eat that you have a weak stomach" sapnap confessed.

"Sapnap I'll be fine I'm sure it's probably just something they put on it they wouldn't serve gone off stuff"

Oh boy was he wrong.

"I promise I'll be fine" Karl pleaded. "Ok sure you probably right" sapnap said.

They sat down at a candle lit table outside where they could see the sea.

The talked for a bit while they ate mostly just loving compliments to the other and so happy they were that they were finally married and able to enjoy this together.

It was all going well until Karl stomach let out a rumble.

"Karl is your stomach upset" sapnap asked knowing this would happen. "I'm sure I'm fine" he said massaging his stomach.

"Ok tell me if you start feeling sick ok I'll get you back"

They talked for a while longer until Karl mumbled out. "Babe, my stomachs a little queasy can we head back now" Karl said looking defeated sapnap was always right about these things.

Sapnap stood up quickly paying.

"Do you need the bathroom before we go love" sapnap asked Karl shaking his head.

"Alright C'mon" sapnap said taking his hand. After what felt like forever they got back. Karl fell into the bed holding his stomach.

"Believe me now" sapnap chuckled. "Not funny" Karl groaned into the bed sheets.

"Ok, ok I'm sorryy" sapnap sighed looking at Karl's sweaty face smiling sympathetically.

Karl buried his face into his chest dozing off it always surprised sap how quickly he fell asleep.

"Tomorrows going to be shit" sapnap mumbled...

----next morning----

Karl pov

I woke to an awful pain in my stomach twisting and turning. I felt nauseous. Like really nauseous

It was an awfully familiar pain and before I knew it I flung the blankets off of me sprinting into the bathroom.

I just about made it in time leaning over the toilet to retch.

It was truely the worse feeling ever my shoulders were hunching forward as i violently threw up.

I wrapped my shaking hands around my aching stomach. Gosh why did I eat that!?

I let's out dry sob of pain putting my head in my arm.

"Sapnap!" " babe help!" I shouted before retching again a process continued.

That woke sapnap up and I heard the sheets rustle and his footsteps sprinting into the bathroom. Seeing the state I was in his face softened.

"Oh my baby" sapnap said.
"I told you you shouldn't eat that" sapnap said sympathetically stroking my hair.

"Oww" Karl whined digging his fist into his stomach. "Hey hey hey don't do that love it will make it worse" sapnap said taking his hand away replacing it with his warm hand rubbing his in small circles.

"There is that a bit better" he asked speeding up the circles.

"Mhm" I mumbled leaning over the toilet again to throw up.

"Sorry this is going to ruin the holiday" i sobbed into the toilet bowl

"no I promise it won't ok it will be out of your system in A few hours ok we'll just spend today in bed alright babe" my amazing husband said comforting me.

"Oh darling" he said seeing me turn to violently throw up. My toes curled back on the floor as my knees lest the ground from time to time.

" can we go back to bed now"I asked nuzzling into sapnap.

"Ok I'll help you back in then I'll see if I can get some things from reception to make you feel better alright" sapnap said picking him up putting him in bed.

"Oh darling I hate it when you're sick" sapnap said as I rolled over whining.

"Ok are you alright if I leave you alone" sapnap said stroking my forehead.

"Mhm" I mumbled. Ok sweetie call me if you need me back here alright"
Sapnap said walking to reception.

(No one's pov)

"Hey my partner's not well and I was wondering do you have anything that might help I think he just has food poisoning" sapnap said.

"Oh alright we have anti nausea tablets and like plastic bags if that's ok" she said smiling at him.

"Yeah em that would be great thank you so much" sapnap said throwing a quick tenner on the counter and collecting the stuff before sprinting back to his room.

"Sapnap your back!" Karl mumbled it looked like he just woke up.

"Aww baby you look awful" sapnap cooed stroking his head.

"I feel it" Karl groaned.
"I'm so sorry baby, here take this you'll feel better" sapnap said helping Karl sit up throwing a bottle of water from the little mini fridge because they are bloody millionaires.

Karl's hands were shaking and he couldn't hold the bottle so sapnap had to hold it for him.

"There we go baby just wait for that to sink in a bit.

"Ughhh sapnapp" Karl whined rubbing his stomach before gagging into his hands.

"Sapnap!" Karl panicked "I don't want to be sick" he said shaking his arms.

" it's ok babe here you go" sapnap said handing Karl a plastic bag. Karl took some deep breaths as he felt suddenly hotter.

"Thank you-" he said quickly as sapnap sat down beside him rubbing his back gently which never failed to comfort Karl.

After he finished he leaned against sapnap whining.

"My tummy hurtss!" He whined whimpering. "I know It can't be good especially in a hotel room" sapnap said sympathetically smiling playing with Karls hair which was plastered against is clammy head.

"Try sleep baby" sapnap said rubbing his back letting him rest on his shoulder a pile of plastic bags near him just incase with one under his head incase he threw up when he was asleep.

"Told you" sapnap murmured to himself. Giggling at his husband playing with his hair.

Words 1736

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