𓃬Savanaclaw ~ Chapter 19𓃬

Start from the beginning

''And he possesses such a terrifying power! Imagine being able to turn anything to sand!'' a female servant added.

''Both of you, cease this conversation right now! What if someone overhears you?!'' another male servant warned the other two,

''If I had been the crown prince, they wouldn't be talking like that; 'His highness Leona is a thoughtful young man and an extremely formidable wizard. Different from his carefree brother.'

This is all because I was born second. They find fault in me no matter what, so they could use it as a pretext to praise my brother. No matter what I do, I can never be the best.

''Leona! Why weren't you at today's ceremony?'' my older brother Falena scolded.

''Ceremony? Ah, you mean the doting-party where you show off your son to the people? Yeah, sorry I missed that. I fell asleep.''

''Showing the people, the face of their future king is an important affair.'' Falena argued.

''Yeah, it's a happy day for sure. But it is also the day the despised second son loses what little claim he had to the throne forever.''

''Don't say things like that!''

''The first born really has it easy, huh? You can spend every day singing and napping and still become king.''

''Leona... You may never become king, but you are intelligent. There is much you could do for this country even though you can't become king.''

''If kings were something achieved through intelligence, I'd be motivated to do something with that wisdom.''

''Leona, wait! Leona!''

Why do I have to spend my life feeling this way, just because I was born a few years later?

No matter how hard I study, no matter how powerful the magic I command is... From the day I was born till the day that I die, no one will ever acknowledge that I'm better than my brother.

I will never be king.

Why did I have to be the born-second?

Why will I never, ever get to be the best?


Life truly is unfair.

Flashback end

''Hey! Wake up!''

As I opened my eyes, I saw that furball hovering over my head. ''...Huh?''

''I did it! He's awake!'' the furball cheered and jumped down to the ground. ''I was starting' to think you would never regain consciousness! Now, hurry up and confess.''

''Wh... What?'' I said and then looked up to see someone else hovering in front of me.

''Good morning, sunshine.'' the female herbivore said with a soft smile. ''Leona, you overblotted and rampaged due to the negative energy.''

I tried to sit up but struggled. Then I felt someone push me up gently, only to see Alerie was the one who helped.

''I went on a rampage... I overblotted? No way...''

''Do you not remember?'' I looked up to see the headmaster standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

''More importantly, I'm going to need you to confess that you're the culprit. So I'm allowed to enter the Magical Shift Tournament that is about to start!''

''Huh? What are you talking about?''

''The headmaster got Grim and the Prefect to investigate the accidents in exchange for letting them compete in the tournament.'' Jack informed.

''Whaaat? You did it for something like that?'' Ruggie asked surprised and then turned towards Alerie. ''I didn't take you as the same kind of person, Alerie.''

''Oh, no, no. Don't lump me in with Grim. The headmaster let me have my own investigation and I'm not even interested in being part of the tournament.'' Alerie defended herself which Grim didn't agree on.

''Of course, you are going to be a part of our team, Ari.'' Grim exclaimed and turned his focus on Ruggie. ''And you were the one pushing' people downstairs for the chance at a little fame and glory!''

''T-That's... right, I guess.'' Ruggie stuttered and admitted.

''Is he correct? Were Leona responsible for the series of injuries sustained by competing players?'' the headmaster turned to Alerie.

''Yes, they are.''

''Very well. Then to begin with, Savanaclaw Dorm will be disqualified from this year's tournament. The rest of your punishment will be decided after I discuss it with the victims. Are we clear?''

''...Understood.'' Leona answered.

''Headmaster, wait.'' Riddle interrupted.

''Rosehearts? And all of you are...'' we all turned our head where the headmaster looked and saw the injured students walk towards us, among them Trey and Jamil.

''Headmaster, speaking on behalf of the victims, we have a request for you. We would like you to permit Savanaclaw House to play in the tournament despite their crimes.'' Trey explained.

''If Savanaclaw is disqualified from the tournament, we'll lose our chance at revenge.'' Jamil stated.

''W-Whaaat?!'' Ruggie was surprised at the statement.,

''Well, fighting with magic is forbidden on campus.'' Alerie reminded the students. ''But during the Magift game they can go all out.''

''It's all in the name of sport, right?'' Trey said with a sly smirk.

''It is rather convenient. I can turn a blind eye this time'' Alerie gave the Savanaclaw students a deathly smile.

''Ugh, she hasn't forgotten about our overwhelming win against them, not long time ago.'' Ruggie whispered to his fellow Savanaclaw student. ''Women are scary.''

''I am willing to overlook their disregard for the rules this time too.'' Riddle said.

Word count: 1315

To be continued

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