153. It Finally Hit

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It finally hit me
A blow to the chest
A crushing weight on my bones
It finally hit me
The boom of thunder after lightning
The crash when two trains meet
The silence before the screams
I finally realized
It finally sunk in
A boat with a hole falling into the sea
I am screwed
I am scared
I don't know what to do now
Life goes in slow motion
Until the pain of it all truly hits
Emotions need to fester in your mind before coming out
Like diseases preparing to take over cells
They silently build up
Then like a volcano they erupt
A complete and utter mess
The weight of the situation I'm in
The weight finally hit
The first metal crash in a Newton's Cradle
The first domino that falls
The crash of everything falling apart
The pain of realization
You don't know how hard it is to bear
Until you bear it
The world lays heavy on your shoulders
Your feet sink into the earth
Even your body is heavy
It's all too much to hold
When the pain of a situation finally hits
When you succumb to violent fits
Of anger tears emotion
When it finally hits
When you realize that it's out of your control
You feel so small
So scared
Like a child undercovers
When it finally hits
Pray that you can stand up to the fall out
Prepare to pick up the pieces of your soul
Ready to carry the weight of existence
One day it will finally hit
So ask yourself
Are you ready for it
When it finally arrives

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