128. The Beach Of Time And Life

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We are little more than grains
Grains of sand on the beach of time
We lay in wait for the ocean to move us away
To carry us from place to place
We wait for the pressure to clump us into rocks
Sturdier than sand but a rather weak rock
While we wait to be moved we watch
The waves as they smooth the jagged rocks
Blunting them till they have no points left
Thill there is no point left at all
The sharp painful rocks
Reduced to stones and sand
Break combine get carried out to sea and brought back
Endless movement
Endless roaming
We are grains of sand in the endless seas of time
Forced to make and break and move
Get broken by rocks
Watching other rocks break
Till you are as dull as the painful rocks themselves
Washing away
Carried by the water
Maybe life is like the sea worn rocks themselves

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