150. The Big Goal

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Every time I see I'm approaching a goal I work like hell
I scramble hard and fast
I don't care how good the work was
I don't appreciate the art of it all
I speed like hell in a go-kart
I don't enjoy the moment
I don't care about quality
Every time I make a goal it hurts me
It pushes me too hard too far and too fast
I ignore good goal setting techniques in school
I say fuck you to the system
But that system is right
No wonder I'm always burnt out and stressed
No wonder I'm always anxious
No wonder every day's the same story
I accomplished my goal but at what cost
I'm here but did I like getting here
Did the art have time to resonate with me
The artist who can't appreciate their own art
This is how I work
But does how I have to function
Function with me
I think no I know that I have issues
Issues that can't be cast to the side
Things I need to work through before I get worse
Things that need to change before I get more hurt
Numbers are supposed to help keep track of things
They're supposed to help you count
They're not the kings and queens
They aren't the monarchs of your life
No wonder your voice is so hard to find
It's easy to ignore the whispers when you talk over yourself
No wonder you won't change
Why change when nothing is wrong
But nothing isn't wrong
That's not true is it
It's never actually been true has it
One day hopefully these words will resonate with you
One day you'll acknowledge that you know what to do
That you've always known what to do
One day you'll see your mistakes
And you'll actually work to fix them
One day writing fifty poems in less than a year will be less important
Than writing fifty poems that captured your soul
One day the process will be as important as the end result
And when that day finally arrives
When numbers no longer dictate your life
Then one day you'll be satisfied
Then one day you'll be happy

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