111. You

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There's one thing that'll always be true
You will always be you
No matter where you go
Or what you do
You can never not be you
You can completely change
Act none the same
But you can't stop being you
Even when you're evil you're still you
Even if you don't think what I say is true
You are always going to be you
When you're at your best
You're you
When life is testing you
You're you
When you are angry
When you are sad
When you are happy
When you are scared
You are always you
If you completely change
You're you
When you steal another's identity
You aren't them
You are you
No matter what
You are not another
If a fly decided to walk
It's not any less a fly
If a fish was in the air
It's not any less a fish
Even if you pray
Even if you wish
You will never
Ever ever ever
Be anyone but you
If someone tells you opposite
If someone says it isn't true
That you are not always you
If they tell you for your good
If they tell you to make you feel bad
No matter why they tell you
That doesn't change the fact
That anywhere and anyhow
You are always you

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