122. A Lady Must Know Math

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In order to be beautiful
You need to do a lot of math
Geometry with bodies
Calculating your next moves
You need to understand triangles
Stacked end to end to make an hourglass
Hourglass the triangle shape your body has to be
Triangles stacked edge to edge makes a diamond
And a diamond is what your head needs to be
An oval shape gets you second place points
Cut a sphere in half
Put it on your chest
Thats how big and full your breast have to be
And don't forget the butt and thighs
They have to be full and fat
With a line for a waist
That's how you get the desirable hourglass shape
Your eyes need to be almond shaped and even
After geometry you need symmetry
Those lips better have a one to one ratio
Those eyebrows better match
Can't have a hair out of place
Symmetry must be undisturbed
Once you are the right shape get ready to calculate
Your next move
The move of men around you
What you're going to eat
What you're going to wear
How you're going to act
You gotta calculate and visualize every danger in your path
So you don't become a victim
A victim of society's scrutiny
A victim of crime
Raped murdered beaten dead
Blamed for not calculating well enough
Blamed for the perfect shape society shaped you into
It's hard to be a woman if you're not good at math

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