106. The Timing Of Death And Tragedy

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You don't have to be very old to be well acquainted with the dreadful timing of death
Death clearly has a deep appreciation for theatrics
It waits for holidays and special occasions
Death springs to life
On Christmas
On Halloween
On Birthdays
Or right before a big moment
A wedding
The day before school
First day of a new job
Death knows when you'll be least prepared
Death knows when you're most vulnerable
Along with death is tragedy
Not always final
But always hard
Tragedy is injury
Loss of limbs
Missing important events
Tragedy shares with death
A sick and cruel sense of time
A cat half blinded before the last day of school
A dog dead the day before senior year
An ancient cat dead on halloween
An old good boned dog dead right before thanksgiving
Sometimes we have messages
Things we wish to relay to the dead
Messages that they won't ever hear
Messages that waited too long
Sometimes you miss your last chance to see them
An unknowing final hello
An unfortunate final goodbye
An apology after a terrible fight
Death and tragedy must be acquainted with time
Working a group of three
To bring all of us down

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