159. The Ones I Really Love

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You can understand me
Because you don't know what I'm saying
You don't understand a word
Not anything in an angry rant
Not a syllable of a sob story
Not a fraction of what I fear
Not even a small helping of why I'm happy
I can't lie to you
Because you can see right through words
It's easy to see through them
When you don't comprehend them
It's hard for me to get close
Attachments are difficult to attach
To other people anyway
Bridges are very hard to build
But it's almost as if they were always meant to burn
But with you things are different
You are concerned when I cry
Because all you can see are the tears
Violent sobbing is all I can show you
You care because you don't have a reason not to
You can't dismiss what made me sad
You don't know what it is
You're kisses of confort are much more meaningful
Than anything another person could say
When I am angry
Violent angry loud and destructive
You make me want to stop
You know nothing of why I am mad
All you know is that I'm very scary
And I never want to hurt you
Why would I try to hurt you
You never hurt me on purpose
When I am scared
You get scared too
Close companionship is built in fear
The only thing that makes you tolerate another you hate
Is a common enemy
You don't even need to know what the enemy is
When you show love
I know that love is real
You can't be toxic
You wouldn't even know how
All emotion all action
Everything you show is pure
Even if occasionally you dramatize your hunger
You go all out in your "pain"
All you really want is more attention
People tend to dismiss you
even though they say how great you are
They dismiss how complex your emotions are
We can't speak to you
We can't ask you why you act the way you do
But that barrier
Makes it easier to see what's true
Cats and dogs
They understand emotion a billion times better than we do
They don't know how to falsify them
So they are always true
Cats and dogs bring comfort
Because they don't judge why you are in pain
They don't call you weak
They don't make fun of you for being vulnerable
If you treat them well
If you give them all the love you have
You can always be sure
That they will give it all right back
Sometimes I wish I could say I love you
And I wish they could understand the word
But perhaps just like me
They prefer the truth and honesty
Of not being able to understand the other
If emotions really are true
They need not words to be understood at all

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