120. God

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I believed in god at one point
I have a bible blessed to prove it
I stopped believing though
I didn't believe in god because I ever thought one existed
But because I needed love
The love that everyone says god has
The love that surrounds us
The love that never falters
The love that's always there
The love that protects you
The love that watches over you
The love of community
The love of guardian angels
I needed that love
I needed that hope
I needed to feel like the universe cared about me
So I believed in god
I believed in that all encompassing love my grandma showed me
I believed in those kids books
The books that showed love
The books that showed compassion
The books that made death less scary
I don't believe in that love anymore
Just like god that love doesn't exist
It's naught but a crutch for the hopelessness of life
If that love did exist we wouldn't hurt each other
If people of god were as good as they claimed
They wouldn't be so cruel
They wouldn't judge so harshly
They wouldn't murder or hurt in the name of their own god
If not even your followers follow your message
Are you really that great
All encompassing love doesn't exist
Because above all is hate
Above all is evil and cruelty
If you disagree spend any amount of time with people
See and hear the hatred
Experience the sin
The sin we so greatly despise but so often commit
I want to believe that love will prevail
But until I see solid evidence of it
Until love actually prevails for me
Until the ones I love stop hurting me
I won't believe in love
I won't believe in god
And I'll say hate always prevails

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