145. Being High With A Dog

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Sitting on the porch with my dawg
My dawg of course is my dog
His name is buddy
I'm high my brain's in a fog
My lungs are full of that good smog
Chilling with my hound on the porch
Yeah chilling watching time go by
Looking at the fuzzy sky
Isn't it so funny the sky
My dog's fur is so soft
Electric to the touch
Buddy's the best buddy I've got
The only buddy I've got really
Life just passes you by
It's crazy man
One second you're a good kid
Smart got opportunity lined up
The next your brain is a cloud
And you're on a rush
Poof like smoke friends are gone
Abandoned you
The real ones are few
Most will kick you
Down and keep you low
So I grab a smoke
So I can get high
With the real one
The only buddy I need

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