168. The Directions Of Life And What It Leads To

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I used to be a hoarder
Not extreme but noticeable
Everything had potential value
Everything might be needed
Everything might one day be important
Most things were none of those
Some things were actually garbage
I turned a leaf
I even did almost a one-eighty on views
Now I want to hold nothing
If it doesn't have value it disappears
It's as empty as possible
Even things that hold some value are discarded
I don't just slightly change
I go all the way
If right was the wrong direction
I steer my car hard left
If up wasn't quite right
Then I'll dig into the earth's core
It's probably not a good thing
Balance being made by two extremes
Best of both worlds
Worst of both worlds
Jack of all trades
Then to
Master of only one
Who knows how things ought to be done
Who knows what's really important
Is anything important
Is everything important
Does everything matter
Does anything matter
Is balance possible
Can you really find balance
Would balance be the right answer
Is chaos the right answer
Is true chaos possible
Will any way of life lead to true happiness
True contentment
Is true happiness possible
Does true happiness exist
Am I thinking too much
Am I thinking too little
I've been in those directions
I don't think any of them are correct
I'll try the diagonals next
Or maybe I won't
Maybe direction doesn't matter
Maybe importance doesn't matter
Is true equality found by everything being treated as important
Or as nothing being treated as important
Lots of talk about true
But true never gets me anywhere
Maybe I'll have to try false
Who knows how one should live
I'm living now and I'm not sure
You live
You die
What you do with life just decides how that death happens

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