125. Moving On

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Right now I'm trying to learn
Learn how to move on
How to stop thinking about what could be
Stop thinking about going back
I dream of them
The two people that I recently had to cut off
My two best friends within six days
One friend was inevitable
He wasn't going to stay my friend
We were to dissimilar
The most recent friend
That was more abrupt
I figured she'd be around for a good while
I even told her about the backstabbing I felt
After I had to dump the first friend
Well she took the knife out of my back
And plunged it into my bleeding heart
I no longer have people to go to
People that I hoped would always be there for me
People that were supposed to be there for me
Oh well I guess I have to move on
Maybe even give up on real friendships forever
Maybe I should stop getting close
Maybe that's what I need to do to officially move on
To stop wondering about going back
Without wishing they were still here for me
Maybe what the universe has been telling me
The answer that was always there
Was that I just wasn't meant to get close to people
I wasn't made to be mentored
I wasn't meant to be listened to
Maybe I'm meant to act and nothing else
I have lost friends before
Hell when I was really little I wanted to ditch everyone
Forget all my relationships and start anew
Maybe that idea wasn't as dumb as I decided
Right now I'm still stuck
I still don't know what direction I ought to go in
Right now I'm still trying to figure things out
But that's just the process of moving on I suppose

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