171. I Matter

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I've had mental breakdowns end by doing homework
Usually it's history
At the end of the rope
Or at the beginning of the rope around my neck
I'll be in my deathbed in my hands the completed assignment
I made a joke for my tik tok earlier
The only thing more important than suicide is doing well in school
Make an eighty nine or god forbid a failing grade and teachers get concerned
I set the bar so high sometimes I can't even reach it
Don't you ever fucking call me unmotivated
I'm more dedicated that most people can even dream of being
Why do I do it
Why do I do it
Well why don't you do it
Why haven't I given up
I'm not quiet about my hatred for school
Why would I give up
Why would I waste my passion
My fury on things that aren't important
If I'm screaming and fighting
It's not because I'm being an ass
It's not because I want drama
It's because I care
And I don't try to contain myself when I care
I give a shit
If not one person was in my corner
I wouldn't change
If not one damn person cared about me
It wouldn't matter
Because I care
I've always cared
I will always care
Alive or dead
I'll care
My friend keeps saying I have anger issues
Yeah well it's because I'm angry at all these damn issues
There are a million problems that we're never going to solve
There's change that I'll be dead for before I can see it
Humanity needs to raise the bar
We need to hold it high
We need to live life like it matters
We need to believe that life matters
Nothing needs to have a reason to exist
And you shouldn't need a reason for things to matter
My life matters
It matters to me
I'm not going to succeed because that's what everyone told me to do
I'm not going to achieve because there's a reward in it
I'm going to do those things
Because I matter
Because success and achievement prove that I cared
Prove that I cared about the most important person I'll ever know
Prove that I cared about me
When I die
My gravestone better say one thing
And one thing only
She mattered

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