156. Pushing Back Ideas

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There are oh so many things to do
I have a hundred list
Ideas galore it isn't a bore
There are so many things to be done
Isn't it great
Isn't it fun
So many things to make
To write
To do
So many books to read
Games to play
To draw
To paint
So many poems to write
And I am avoiding them all
Procrastination of creation with creation
Not now
Not Yet
I'm not in the right headspace
No motivation
I am too upset
I am not upset enough
I'm to tired
I'm to awake
This idea is much too difficult to create
I'm to bored
None of the ideas excite me
There are too many ideas it's stressful
I want to give it my all
I'll drop the effort a quarter way through
I don't have the time
That is a complete lie yes I do
I don't want to burn out
I want to enjoy the ideas
You don't burn out if you don't light the match
Light the match
Yes when I light the match I can't stop
Zero or one hundred
Yes that is me
It's exhausting really
I have so much to do
I'll do it another day
Those ideas
Well they can just wait

Poetry Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora