129. A Box Of Change

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It doesn't take long for people to accept
People are shocked by change
Even if it's small change
If you wear a certain outfit everyday
The second you change people comment
They joke they jest
It is funny sometimes
But what if they found out something big
What if you changed more than clothes
What would they say
How would your friends react
Are you allowed to be different
Why are people so easy to box
Will growth always be judged
Will change always feel shameful
Is what I wear really so important
So important that when I change I am someone new
Is that all you know of me
Am I little more than what is seen
Must my change always stay hidden
Deep in the crevices of thought
Unacted upon
Unviewed by others
Must I always live how I've always lived
Must I find new people to grow
Must I give up on people to grow
Must I grow
Will I grow
What does it mean to grow
Does change equal growth
Does change really change you
Will I ever be different
I don't look much different
I don't feel much different
Have I hit my peak
I'm only seventeen
I would like my growth to be more vibrant
More colorful
More noticeable
But won't that change become stagnant quick
Do I just want to shift norms
Leave one box enter another
Is it worth it to change
Do I even want to change
Do I want to change at all

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