172. The Mind And The Machine

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Somewhere along the instalation
A wire was unpluged
Maybe in assembly a bad cog was used
Some wire got crossed
A fuse or two blew
It still works
Well it still functions
No that doesn't fit either
Well it still does something
It lost its purpose a long time ago
Now it just exist
It doesn't work
Most of the time it doesn't do anything
Sometimes though on occasion
It's like something connects
Like temporarily a cog got unstuck
A surge of power runs through
A cord gets just close enough to another for a connection
And the thing works like it has always had purpose
It works like that's what it was made for
It seems random that event
Some things seem to trigger the reaction
It likes to write
It likes to think
Well I think it does
Maybe it was made to think
Maybe it isn't messed up at all
No I doubt that
If it was only built to think
Why would it have anything other than a brain
Maybe it was built to build
A creator that got crossed
Its mangled hands would point to that
Calloused scarred and bent
That can't be right either
It never really moves
A creator that never creates
What is it
What was it made for
Is it fulfilling its purpose
Is its purpose purposefully hidden
Was it built with purpose
Was it just built for looks
It can't be built for appearance
It isn't as if it looks good
It functions so miserably
It functions so rarely
It creates so sporadically
It doesn't seem to have a reason to exist
Why was it made
Will I ever know
Was it built just to suffer
Is its purpose to hold pain
But why would someone build that
Why would you invent something
Just to make it suffer
There must be something more to it
There is something more to it
It has a reason to exist
A reason to have the capability to function
It has a goal
Does it have a goal
Is it trying to do something
Is it me who is broken
Am I the broken one
The one who doesn't understand the obvious
Does it matter
If it is me
Or the machine
That is unsure of purpose
That is unable to understand why
Why it exist
Why it is able to function
When we are the same
Are we the same
We exist in the same space
We breathe the same air
We feel the same pain
But its as if we live different lives
Neither knows what the other is doing
Or maybe the machine knows
Does it matter if the machine understands
If only one half understands the other
Does it matter
Do both parts need to understand
Do both parts need to connect
Do both parts create one whole inseperable
When one part dies
The other dies with it
But do they really die as one
If they are never connected
If they are not the same
But they occupy the same space
The same life
The same feelings
When one dies
Will the other live
Do they live at all
Can a living breathing feeling thing
Exist in a state other than life
Is life the connecter
Does the body matter at all
Is life what connects the machine
And its very own thoughts
If it isn't life that connects
If being alive requires something other than existing to function
If life requires actual function
Actual use
Is it alive at all
If it isn't alive now
Will it find life later
Will it find life with purpose
Will it find life
If it can't find life
Will it die
Can it die
Techincally I suppose it's alive
Which means that it can and will die
But that doens't feel right
If it was right
If it is right
Then why don't I feel it
If that's how life works
Then why do I feel like I'm not living
Not in the literal sense of not living
I don't feel dead
I can think
I am able to function
And that is what science says life is
But if I disregard science
If I lose ability to think
Ability to be able to function
But I can still go on
Am I dead then
Do I walk the line between life and death
Is there a line between them
Does it matter
I'm not sure it does
Exist technically in this world
But my thought exist somewhere else
Seperate existances
Seperate realities
Connecetd by nothing
Nothing but the breath required to live
No required to continue having the ability to think
Required to have the ability to be able to function
If that is all that connects
Is the machine and the mind connected at all
Will they ever be connected
Are they capable of connecting
I don't know
And maybe I never will

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