176. What To Do With Emotions

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The strange thing about emotions
The more you think of them
The more you speak about them
The stronger they get
They are sharp potent
At the same time though
The more you acknowledge them externally
The more you bask in them
The weaker their grip on you gets
They may be strong
But they aren't able to hold you
It's just so hard to let them out
To unbottle them
To let them grace the ears of another
To let them out of the cage that holds them tight
Like the ribs holding the heart
Others often don't know what to do with them
How are you to handle others' emotions
How are you to handle your own
They are fierce and strong and harsh
They can be painful
They can drain you of energy
But if they remain forever bottled
If you keep them in storage
If you do nothing
Nothing to feel them
Nothing to communicate them
They will consume you
They will leave you with nothing
A husk
A shell of who you were
Emotions are important
They can be devastating
They can be amazing
They could free you
Or trap you within your own mind
Handle them with care
And handle them with caution
Or they will kick and scratch and bite
And you won't win that fight

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