192. Fragmented Self

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Sometimes the only way to stay safe
Is to lock yourself in a cage
The outside is unable to hurt
If you are never able to exit the house
Burying myself into the deepest crevices of my mind
So in my mind
That I fear I'm out of it
Feeling like fragments
But not a fragment a whole
A whole made of pieces
But not pieces of a whole
Pieces combine to make a fragmented entity
But you can not find yourself in fragments
Fragments what are they
They are the mind
The body
And the soul
They are who you are alone
And who you are around others
Who you are in different emotions
In different levels of pain and stress
The fragments make a person
To lose one fragment
One fragment at all
Is to lose the entirety of your being
The most influential fragment is the mind
It controls the body
It may even control the soul
The mind limits the body
The mind tells the body when to disobey those limits
The mind is the master of you
The mind is god
It rules supreme
It often rules with troubles
No mind is perfect
The mind is ripe with flaws
Cracks in the glass
These flaws are also fragments
They help create the self
The imperfection in my mind
The largest crack in the glass
The most jagged fragment
Is the world my mind birthed
The world I'm so often trapped in
A world separated from the physical one
A world
A prison
My mind's home
A world made to protect the vulnerability of the mind
A world I really ought to leave
My mind
A home
A prison
A fragmented whole
An entity connected
Yet still separated
My mind a fragmented home
My mind a fragmented prison
Myself a fragmented whole

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