107. Two Weeks

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Two weeks
Two weeks is all it took to reach my limit
There is a barrier between annoyed and downright mad
A rather strong barrier
That barrier has taken its fair share of hits
Like cannonballs shot into the side of a ship
Like the bullet that rips apart the flesh of a deer
I have reached my absolute limit
An unfixable limit
And it only took two weeks
Two weeks back in hell
Two weeks to remember stress
Two weeks to remember what I did
Two weeks to know
Two weeks to know that nothing will change
Two weeks to hit the limit
Things that never annoyed me are irritating
What irritated me angers me
What angers me is downright infuriating
There is no word to describe what infuriating has become
Two weeks to give up on friends
Two weeks
Two weeks
Two fucking weeks
Two weeks to remeber why I wanted to commit suicide last year
These damn fools couldn't wait more than two fucking weeks to spiral
Only took seven days to bring a damn gun
One school week for a weapon
Possibly even six if tuesday counts
We have failed
We have fucking failed
Kids brought guns
A kid brought a gun
A kid brought a fucking gun
A god damned gun
A kid brought a gun to school
I guess I wasn't the only one
I guess I wasn't the only one to break in less than two weeks
To say school
To say school is more than a hell hole
A cesspit of despair
Of anger hatred fury
To say anything else
To say anything else is to spit in my face
Spit in my god damned face
To stomp on my toes
To say anything else
To say anything else is to lie
And I do not want to be a damned liar
Something needs to be done
The god damned dumbasses in charge
Need to get off their asses
And actually do something
I am not going to die here
I am not going to die in hell
I am not going to have a bullet rip through my brain
I am not willing to die here
So what here is
Needs to fucking change
To say American schools
To say American schools are anything but a glorified shooting range
To say anything else is to lie
And I am sick and fucking tired of you liars
You god damned liars

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