193. Flying The Plane

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My mind's on autopilot
It always has been really
The concious part is working on daydreams
The unconscious part is doing all of the living
It has made for a rather confusing cockpit
The pilot isn't even paying attention to the plane
To busy thinking about this and that
The directions are followed yet unknown
Neither the pilot nor autopilot know where the plane is going
While the plane is flying
The piolt and autopilot often fight
It is a strange fight
Human and machine
But both are the mind
Seperate parts of the same entity fighting
Fighting for what
For control
For a break
Maybe just fighting because they don't know what to do
Fighting for the hell of it
Usually the concious is the pilot
After all the concious is the one that goes to flight school
The subconscious has no world training
It only does what it is programmed to do
It isn't supposed to fly alone
But in this plane it does
For the most part at least
Although when the pilot takes control
A rather rare occurrence
The plane goes into a turbulent nosedive
So the pilot was informally banned from the controls
Once during the fight a gun was discovered
Who brought it in is unknown
Maybe it came with the plane
Of course the plane is the mind
They are the same thing
The plane doesn't have turbulence
It doesn't nosedive
It makes mistakes
It messes things up
It says the wrong things
It picks the worst options
The concious and subconscious
The ones that control the plane
Control the mind
Sometimes fight
Violent brutal fights
They cause thoughts to be uncovered
Thoughts that should have stayed burried
Thoughts that should have never even boarded the plane
These thoughts are the gun
The gun that the autopilot wants
The things I suppose is being fought for
The subconscious wants nothing more than to use it
Destroy the controls and drop the plane
Blast a hole in the skull and escape
Both ends wrecked
The conscious doesn't care for an end like that
And tries to keep the gun
Even though the pilot isn't sure where they're going or what they're doing
They know they don't want the gun used
So they fight
On and on
Often causing trouble in the plane
Trouble in the mind
Until the gun goes off
Maybe purposefully
Maybe accidentally during the fight
Or until another event happens
And the plane goes down without an inside attempt
The subconscious and conscious will fight

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