121. To Be A Writer

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I'm trying to put my heart into this
I'm trying to capture my soul in these words
I'm trying to figure things out here
I'm trying to give emotions the voice they deserve
I'm trying to be heard
I'm trying to put myself out there
I'm trying to find peace
I'm trying to find a voice
I'm trying to write
Write to capture pain
Write to capture love
Write to capture grief
Write to capture fear
Write to capture soul
Write to capture heart
I'm trying to write with a purpose
Write with a goal
Write to feel some semblance of control
I am trying to write
Because in writing I have a voice
An unfiltered voice
A silent but loud voice
A powerful voice
A voice unaffected by who I'm with
A voice with no boundaries
A voice with no rules
I write because without writing
I wouldn't feel like an independent person

Poetry Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora