123. Slap In The Face

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Sometimes I sit here and wonder why I even bother
Why do I do my work at all
Why do I always do it on time
Why do I put effort into anything I do in school
Why do I try when evidently no one else does
I get a lot of free days and free time
Because often times the class didn't get the work done
It's rarely because the work was hard
Not even always because of how long the assignment takes
Not even always because of after school activities
No I get all my free days because no one did anything in class
No one does work when we have a substitute teacher
People only half ass work when we have a teacher
It's always I'll do it tomorrow
It's always teachers mad because everyone is failing
Because everyone gave up on work
When even my friends ask why I still try
When points are never taken off for late work
When deadlines are shifted
When fifties are given to assignments that weren't even done
When athletes get credit just so they can play
It feels like a slap in the face
Teachers like the good kids
But those teachers talk more about the bad kids
The kids that barely even try
The kids that make school take so damn long
The kids that keep us reviewing and not learning anything new
The kids that make school a waste of time for me
The student who tried
The student who tries
I'm tired of being slapped in the face
By this pathetic excuse for education
But other than complain
Other than give up like all the others
What can I actually even do

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