160. Death

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I've never stopped thinking about you
The moment I knew your name
I used to fear you
I must have gotten brave
I'm more than just not afraid
I'm glad you exist
An end of life
Is what I need to enjoy life more
I didn't understand why people wanted their life to end
Why some never wanted to get older
Well now I do
The cure to fearing death
Is simply living life
Constantly crushed by the weight of existence
Death is what makes life livable
Things would be unbearable if you didn't die
Millennia of loss and sorrow
Infinite hell is what forever life would be
I used to cry for death
I cry still but less
And only because I miss my pets
I want people not to cry for me
Why be sad for my fate
The fate I really want
Life is precious
Why is death not precious too
Why is death so evil and cruel
I didn't understand death
When I was young I was a fool
Now that I understand it
I wonder why you don't too
It's not hard to grasp
Or perhaps I just have a strong hold

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