180. Alone Is Easy

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It isn't hard to feel alone
To separate yourself from others
Even in a crowded room
Sometimes you are alone
Sometimes loneliness makes a noise
A ringing in the ear
The sound of silence
The sound of loneliness
Sometimes being alone is loud
A bustling restaurant
Music blasting at a party
A group of friends
Sometimes being alone hurts
No one is talking to you
No one even seems to know you exist
People forget you
Maybe they never knew you at all
Can't forget what you've never known
Sometimes being alone is pleasant
A peaceful afternoon of reading
A quiet night of sleeping
Taking comfort in oneself
It isn't hard to feel alone
It isn't hard to be alone
Sometimes it is so quiet it's loud
Sometimes it's just loud
Sometimes it feels dreadful
Sometimes it is nice
It isn't hard to feel alone
But maybe it should be

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