152. Go Away I Don't Want You

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That's what you are
A pain in my side
Why are you here
Go away
I don't want you
I never want you
Leave me alone why don't you
Stop bothering me
You're stealing time and energy
And I don't have much of that in stock
I wish you would disappear
I don't want your hands around my chest
Pushing into my lungs
Till I can't speak
Till I can barely breathe
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
Go away
Be gone
You foul beast
Get away from me
I hate you
I want you dead
I want to exist to live
Without anxiety
Looking over my shoulders
Looming at the slightest inconvenience
I want for once to breathe
To enjoy the moment
I want for once to live
Without fear
Without doubt
Without worry
Free from anxiety

Poetry Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon