165. With Paint

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How did you do it
How did you paint your phone case
Well you won't believe it
I used paint
Yeah but how did you do it
I did it with a brush
And my fingers somewhat
I suppose also a paint pen
Thats not what I meant
I know that's not what you want to hear
But that's what there is to say
If you ever ask me how I painted something
Don't get mad when I say
With paint
Well then
Since you aren't going to satisy me with this
What do you mean when you say you feel like your in the void
I mean that things are empty
Well what does that mean
It means nothing is full
That's very vauge
I want specifics
Then you want something non-existent
The specifics are like the void
They don't really exist
You say you're anxious
Why do you feel like that
What's upsetting you
That's not very specific
Well neither is the question
Why can't you be satisfied with broadness
Why are specifics necessary
Well I want to know you
How do you help someone who can't say what's wrong
I did say what was wrong
Everything is wrong
Well we can't just fix everything
I know that
I don't want you to fix everything
I'm sorry I don't have a good answer
But when you ask how I did something
Or why I feel a certain way
My anwser will always be along the lines of with paint
To you that might be too simple
But the simplest anwsers are also the most complex
I don't know how you're going to live your life
I'm not sure what anwsers you're looking for
But I think I'll be satisfied with paint
Why pretend like things are complicated when they're not
I'm not prestigious
I'm not winning any awards
I'm not deep as the ocean
When I'm in the void everything is nothing
When I'm upset it's because the world is upsetting
And when I make a painting I use paint

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