112. Emotion

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Being crushed by weight so long
My body keeps starting to numb
So I shift the movement
Every once in a while
So I never forget how I'm supposed to feel
As time passes by aren't you supposed to heal
Don't things get easier with repetition
There are no words to describe how I feel
Like the life I am in isn't real
A nightmare to wake from
A place to escape from
Filled with doom and dread
Filled with sadness and anger
Filled with joy and confusion
Filled with doubt and loss
Full to the brim with emotions
And somehow still empty
That is how I feel
This is what is real
As terrible as it is
As much as I would like it to end
I can't say it's make pretend
I suppose that's how you know it is real
How you know that you have things to lose
That you have things to cherish
That even the best things fall apart
Sometimes falling apart
Is how you keep yourself together
How you don't get lost in doubt
How you don't get buried under feelings
How you don't come to a short end
It is a terrible shame
That one must suffer to live

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