175. The Scientific Method

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I have a hypothesis
Now I just need to test it
Where do we live
Is reality augmented
Is reality a mass psychosis
Is reality a dream
Is this hell
Do I walk amongst the damned
Was I damned
It feels like that often
Walking through a false world
Walking through a corrupted area
My hypothesis
We live in hell
There is one way
And one way only to test it
To test my hypothesis
And I know once I've done it
Once I've tested for my answer
Once I find out where I really am
I won't be coming back
I don't fear what I'll find
But others fear what I may do
They often say
Or die trying
Referring to silly things usually
I will figure out what happens
I will know the answer
The truth of where we really live
What we really are
And I will die trying
At least that's what I'm counting on

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