161. Sense The Earth

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If you listen carefully
You can hear the wind's whispers
The wind stores secrets
Mumbling voices
Blood curdling screams
If you listen carefully
You can hear the wind

If you look closely
You can see the ground move
The things hidden beneath
Digging animals
The bodies of the dead
If you look closely
You can see what's in the ground

If you breath in strongly
You can smell the sky's sadness
The things hidden deep
Storm clouds water
The salty tears of rain
If you breath in strongly
You can smell the sadness of the sky

If you brush cautiously
You can feel the earth's pain
The emotions running strong
Sharp corners
Delicate skin
If you brush cautiously
You can feel the pain in the earth

If you degust
You can taste the earth's tears
The sadness running fast
The salty ocean
Drops of dew
If you degust
You can taste the earth's sorrow

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