133. The Things I Cannot Do

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When it comes to some things
I can drop it fast
Move on with life
And never look back
When it comes to other things
I hold on tight
Even if I know it isn't right
Even when I should let go
Even when it starts to hurt
I know I'm capable of ditching
I can easily abandon hundreds of hours of work
I can cut off people fast and forever
So why is it so hard
To stop being a fool
Stop doing things that hurt me
Start doing things that help
Start caring about my health
Why is it so easy to think
But feels impossible to act
Why does it only seem to hurt
My personal life
During my worst days
I can put out work better than some people's best
So why is it so hard to eat right
To sleep on time
To clean and organize my stuff
Why is so hard to do things I love
Why is putting myself second so natural to me
What I am now isn't what I want to be
I don't want to be what society wants me to be
I want to be me

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