148. Haunted Halls

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Don't tread lightly in these halls
Their twisted secrets lay just beyond the doors
The dust is so thick it catches in your throat
Don't breathe too much of it in
The stains on the floor
Well it's not water damage
The scratches on the walls
Deep cutting the steel bars on the windows
Don't cross the creature that made those
Don't question why there are so many doors
Hundreds of them
Hundreds of doors in one hallway
One long and winding hallway
So far even straight you can't see the final door
What lies in wait beyond that door
Well I wouldn't want to find out if I were you
You look so delicious
Want to check a room
There is plenty of space for you
Pick a door
Open any of them
See what horror awaits in those rooms
No that's no breathing on the other side
Those aren't screams of horror
That's what awaits you in this hall
That's what awaits us all
Here's a master key card
Have Fun
This note was written by
Thomas P Yonke
He's the spooky man

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