169. Lurking In The Dark

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Lurking in the dark there is a creature
Long distorted limbs
Teeth sharp and red
Skin pulled tight on bones
Bones jagged broken
Eyes gleaming bright hungry
Lurking in the dark
Waiting patiently
So very patient
A footstep
The sound of doom
You can't outrun it
It heard the footstep
The pavement gave your position away
Pounce tear bloody devoured
Gone as if you were never there
Family calls for you
Friends yell your name
A phone all alone
Broken glass
Calls of concern never to be received
Cops called
Dogs and men alike search
Searching won't bring anything
Except for another victim
As long as the creature is patient
As long as someone cares about the victim
Food will always arrive
Messy appearance
But cleans up well
Not a drop of blood
Or a single hair to be found
Not a trace of you
Dogs taste fine
Although the fur is annoying
Humans taste so much better
Lurking in the darkness
I hear taps on the phone
Hearing sharp and tuned
Lurking waiting for the prey to get closer
Pounce phone drops dead
Nothing remaining
My only hope is that someone cared enough to find you

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