Chapter Five

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Dominic told me about Violet's attempt at suicide.

I couldn't speak, thinking about my own attempt only four days ago, feeling like I had failed her.

I can't protect her.

"... She's okay now?" I asked, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"Seems to be," he looked back at her, both anger and sadness swirling his features.

I looked at her, understanding her reasons.

I couldn't protect her.

I watched him as he debated with the fact to leave or stay, clearly scared Violet would try to attempt at it again.

I couldn't reassure him. I didn't know if I could.

Finally, he left, taking Violet up in his strong arms. She looked so small, so fragile. I feared he'd break her.

I went into the kitchen after he'd left, wanting to distract my mind. I held the edge of the counter for support.

I couldn't speak. There were words on my tongue, but they felt stuck, glued, and hammered down.

Violet stood there quietly, watching through the window from afar as Dominic left.

She looked so serene. Her ginger curls looked brighter in the sunlight, her skin slightly tanned.

I wondered what went through her mind when the thought came. What exactly happened? Was it Sara? Was it those dark rooms? Was it the abuse?

I thought I had saved her from the worst of it, but I realized now that with what little she experienced, how affected she still was.

I failed her.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now