Chapter Thirteen

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I woke earlier than usually that next morning, wanting to make Katie and Violet breakfast as well as try out another recipe.

I glanced at the clock, knowing Violet would wake soon.

Flipping through the pages of Mini's cookbook, I came across Strawberry muffins, immediately coming to a decision. I took out a bowl and gathered my ingredients.

As I baked, a pleasant aroma quickly began to fill the room.

I looked at the clock, seeing it was past seven and turned around to see Violet coming down the hallway, her hair combed, makeup on and dressed.

She smiled, smelling the room and then glanced into the kitchen. "It smells really good."

"I'm making strawberry muffins," I answered, rather pleased.

She stood near me, watching as I slid the pan into the oven, satisfied with the warmth that spread across her skin. "Katie is still asleep," she said quietly.

I smiled softly, leaning back against the counter. "Did you stay up and talk?" I asked curiously.

Violet nodded, a soft pink rising up from her neck, and began to speak, a little sheepishly. "Dominic a little bit, and then Nick."

I didn't understand why Katie talked about boys so much. I don't think Violet did either, but she seemed to enjoy the conversation when it turned to Dominic. I nodded, coming at a loss for words. What was there for me to say? I didn't know Dominic as well as Violet did, I didn't surround myself with men as Katie seemed to do. What could I say except nod my head and hope the conversation turned to something other than the opposite sex.

Violet stood there quietly before she turned to go back down to her room. "I should wake Katie, so we aren't late to school."

I nodded, feeling slightly disappointed with the way the conversation ended so quickly. I could have said something. Asked her about school, about work, Dominic, who Nick was, no matter how much I didn't want to ask the question.

We never talked a whole lot to begin with, but since she returned from Florida, things hadn't been as they were. I worked more and talked with Mini more than I did my own sister. Sometimes I thought about her attempt. If only I had been there. Could I have helped her? Could I have prevented it from happening at all? What did she think about? What caused the sudden want, the sudden need to give up?

I couldn't help but feel this sudden loss wash over me.

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