Chapter Eight

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I woke that next morning to find Dominic was gone.

I sat up quickly, fear setting in, then I heard the shower running and relaxed.

But then there was a knock and a voice. "Dominic!" I realized then it was Nick.

I scrambled up, making the bed, smoothing down my hair with my hands, panicking when I realized I had no shorts underneath Dominic's shirt.

He knocked again.

I can't open the door. Why is he here? It's seven.

I begged Dominic to hurry as I cautiously walked out from his room and towards the door, pulling at the hem of the shirt.

"Finally," Nick said, then looked down, noticing me instead of Dominic. I watched as he glanced past the shirt to my bare legs. I quickly stepped away and allowed him inside, hiding the heat rising to my neck.

"I didn't know you were staying over," Nick said, a slight question in his tone.

I swallowed, trying to think of something to say but couldn't.

"When did you two start dating?" He asked instead, glancing back at me.

My eyes widened. Dating. I hadn't thought about it like that. But then what would this be if it wasn't dating?... Just using me? "I-"

"Long time ago."

I turned to see Dominic walking in with a pair of jeans around his waist, his hair clean and wet, an occasional water droplet falling to his collarbone.

Nick walked past me, his eyebrows raised, and then more quietly added, "so, when did this start happening?" He motioned towards me, hinting at something.

Dominic looked me over, his brows furrowing. He looked mad, almost. "A few weeks ago."

Nick raised an eyebrow, suppressing back a laugh. "Well okay," he glanced at me then back at Dominic. "I'll leave you to it then. I'll come by later."

Dominic watched as he left and once the door was closed, let out an angry sigh. "You should have stayed in bed."

"He would have kept knocking though-"

"Then let him knock. I would have got it," he interrupted, anger laced in his tone.

I looked down, speaking softly, "I didn't do anything. I don't know why you're mad at me."

"Mad at you? You came out here wearing that!" He ran a hand through his hair. "Go," he ordered. "Go change."

I went back to grab my clothes and change, guilt swallowing me.

Cautiously, I stepped out. Dominic was leaning over his dining table, now with a shirt on as he sifted through some papers. He glanced up, looking from head to foot. His gaze softened. "Come here."

I obeyed, keeping from looking him in the eyes.

He pulled me into his chest, "don't feel bad, okay? I get jealous way to easy," he laughed softly.


"I don't like when people look at you, especially Nick. He goes from one girl to the next in a matter of days." He lifted my chin, "don't feel bad. You're okay. You did nothing wrong." When I didn't answer he lowered his head, speaking softer, "okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now