Chapter Seven

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Dominic took me back to his apartment, this becoming more often with each week.

I hardly saw Clara anymore and, in all honesty, I felt like my heart was tearing apart.

She has always been there. I woke up in the same room with her and then the same house, I sat with her at every meal I was allowed, I talked to her every chance I could, I spent my entire life with her. Now, I felt as if I was slowly losing her.

"Violet," he started. I sat on his bed, letting my feet dangle. "Everything okay? You've been very quiet." I looked away as he began taking off his shirt.

I nodded, looking down at my legs. "I'm just tired."

He sighed, sitting down next to me before pulling me into his lap. He looked at me, smiling slightly. "I like that you're talking more."

I glanced at him, cautiously laying my head on his shoulder. He tucked the hair behind my ear, "my sleepy girl," he said, his voice deep.

My heart stirred, my face reddening.

He took the strands of hair, bringing it behind my shoulder, before resting his hand on my neck, warmth radiating from his skin to mine.

"You feel cold," he said, wrapping his arms around me.

I didn't move, letting his warmth surround me, his arms envelope me. I wanted to cry.

I felt safe.

Taking in a heavy breath, I pushed the tears back. He kissed my forehead, holding me tighter, closing up the little space there was, all as if he could read my thoughts. "You're okay," he said quietly.

I peeled myself from him, fearing I'd cry if I stayed wrapped in his arms.

He stood and pulled back the sheets, motioning for me to climb in.

I laid down, bringing one of them up over my nose as I often did.

Dominic smiled softly, getting in beside me, knocking a knuckle against the bridge of my nose. "How do you breathe?" He asked in a laughing tone.

I looked up at him, smiled sadly, and shrugged.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now