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Mini had coffee with him.

They sat at a table near the window. Maverick appeared more professional, as if he were the questioner being questioned in an interrogation. While Mini seemed laid back and at ease despite the violent coughs springing upon her.

Maverick seemed concerned by this and offered assistance in any way he could, but Mini would wave him off.

I watched curiously from a distance, drinking a hot chocolate in a lonely corner, watching as people passed me by with an intense interest.

I couldn't hear what was exchanged, yet I tried to focus on the lips, determined to forge words together.

Maverick glanced at me every so often. The smallest of smiles would tip the corner of his mouth, and he would give a small nod, acknowledging me.

I met his gaze with nervous confidence.

He seemed happy. Always smiling. I couldn't help but feel this sting of jealousy. Would I ever be that way? Was I worthy of happiness?

No. I didn't deserve joy. I deserved the things that happened to me... But pure happiness was not one of them.

Yet, despite this, I couldn't help but feel drawn to this light he seemed to possess. His eyes looked warm and inviting, slightly hooded, which gave off an impression of mystery and seduction.

His lips were full and soft, with a natural pink hue that contrasted well with his tan skin. The lower lip was slightly bigger than the upper one and curved, forming a slight smile even when he wasn't smiling.

His hair parted at the side, long and falling just below thick brows. The brows were low-set and arched, adding to his masculine appearance.

He was handsome, no doubt, and strangely reminded me of fall. Of bright reds and yellows that resembled golden apples, faded brown leaves that crunched as you walked, of warm coffee on those chilly days, of warmth and kindness.

I watched as Mini finished her coffee, and as Maverick smiled, giving a small nod. I followed Mini outside as we walked onto the concrete sidewalk, both silent for a time.

Finally, Mini opened her mouth, first with a few concerning coughs, and then swallowed, putting the back of her hand to her mouth.


"I'm okay, don't you worry," she answered quickly. "Now, Maverick," she started, "Clara, he's a very nice man. Respectful and kind, you should give him a chance."

"Is that all?" I asked quietly.

"Well... no. But, I don't want to give everything away. That's for you to find out if you go on a date with him." She stopped abruptly and placed her hands gently on my shoulders. "Clara, he's a good man. Give him a chance."

She stared at me with an intensity that made me nervous. I swallowed and looked down, briefly studying her elegant black shoes and then my torn sneakers.

I looked back up at her and nodded.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now