Chapter Thirty-One

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I clocked out and went outside to walk to my car. The sun was starting to set, leaving a trail of purples and blues, clouds scattering the horizon.

Leaves tossed and turned as they rode on the wind. I shivered, buttoning up my jacket as I walked along the sidewalk.

Maverick had talked to me earlier that day, once again, asking me for a date. I hadn't responded to him. This act gave him some sort of hope.

I neared my car when I saw the outline of a black motorcycle.


I turned around, stiffening as Owen walked towards me. A smile spread across his face, holding two cups. "I just got to the cafe and saw you leaving and stopped in." He stretched out his arm to hand me one. "It's hot chocolate. I asked one of the girls what you liked."

I stared at him a moment before slowly taking the beverage, my heart pounding in my chest. Hesitantly speaking, "... That's really sweet. Thank you."

Owen nodded, taking a step closer to me. "Is everything okay?"

I nodded, taking a step back, feeling a little flustered by his sudden appearance. "... I'm just a little surprised to see you here."

Owen grinned, taking a sip of his coffee. "I hope it's a good surprise."

I took a deep breath, adverting my eyes, trying to sound polite. "... It's fine."

"So," he dragged. "Did you have plans for the evening?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Well, in that case, would you like to grab dinner with me?" Owen asked confidently, taking a small step closer, as if hesitant, trying to be mindful of my comfort.

A sense of panic rose in my chest. "I- No... No, my sister is waiting for me," I stammered.

"That's too bad," Owen said, clicking his tongue. "I was really looking forward to the chance to get to know you better. But it's totally understandable if you're too busy."

I felt a small sense of relief at his understanding response.

Disappointment clouded his expression for a moment. "Definitely. Just keep me posted." I took a step back, feeling panicked. "But don't worry about it too much," he added quickly, as if sensing my unease. "I don't want to pressure you into anything."

I nodded.

"I really would like to see you though." He smiled, "outside of work."

I nodded, feeling uneasy.

He looked at me a moment, curiously. "You don't talk much, do you?"

I looked up at him, realizing how tall he was next to me. "... I should go." I turned to walk away.

"Clara, wait," he said gently, grabbed my arm. I jerked back, almost tripping over myself. He reached out and steadied me.

I jerked from his grip, my heart racing inside my chest as fear crept into every corner of my body.

His brows furrowed in confusion. He went quiet.

Tears burned my eyes. I ran to my car, thankful he didn't try to stop me and locked the doors, driving hurriedly away.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now