Chapter Sixty-Six

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Clara was working that morning, her eyes red rimmed and puffy. She walked around the kitchen slowly, getting breakfast made and then getting herself a glass of water, taking slow sips, and then staring at something in the distance.

I couldn't make this better, even if I tried. What could I do when the thought of your friend dying kept returning over and over? As of now, we have had no answers. We sat in our thoughts, letting the worst surface.

I patiently waited for Clara as I sat near the door with my bag, subconsciously counting down the time in my head till school started.. Nineteen.. Fifteen minutes..

She walked over, taking her keys out from her pocket, and walked outside without a coat. I turned and grabbed one for her.

She was lost in her thoughts, never saying a word as she drove and dropped me off at school. I wanted questions answered, seeing the state Clara was in and hoping they would provide some ease - both for her and myself.

I hadn't thought about Mini too much, though it was there in the back of my mind. I hoped that if I pushed it out of my thoughts that it wouldn't become real, that it wouldn't be true. It didn't matter how much I did this. It was happening right now.

Cells dividing, tumors growing, spreading, and traveling to other areas of the body.

I looked at my phone when I sat down in class, looking at Dominic's cell and the numbers signifying the last time we called and how long it lasted - ten minutes.

I wanted to call him, see how he was doing, hear his voice. The last time we spoke in person, he told me about his mother. We've been texting each other since then, hours passing in between each message.

I kept reminding myself that he was busy and was dealing with the news about Mini, but thoughts about him leaving me returned again and again.

I shook my head, finally replying to his message he sent earlier - a simple good morning with a <33.

I stared for a few moments as the classroom began to fill, the bell about to ring, noticing Katie still hadn't walked in, Dominic not returning my text yet.

I put my phone into my back pocket, looking at the clock as it struck eight.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding Peaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن