Chapter Forty

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I pulled back the cover and climbed into his bed, pulling the sheets up to my waist as I sat there and waited.

Dominic was working on something and then had walked out of his apartment, asking me to stay. I had nodded, and after an hour, I finally went into his room and climbed into his bed.

I looked around his room, at the desk he had near his bed, a neat pile of papers stacked on top and a small jar of black pens. At the dark wooden dresser on the other side of his room, different colognes sitting on top. Then the dark chair in the corner, folded pairs of jeans laying in it.

The bedroom door opened.

He looked at me, his expression unreadable. His hair was messy, but in an almost perfect kind of way, and the few top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, exposing his chest. He heaved a heavy sigh and walked over, climbing in and then laying down on top of me, his head on my chest.

I raised my hands, surprised by the action and let out a slow breath. I almost felt as if I couldn't breathe with him on top of me.

"Dominic," I panicked. "I can't breathe."

A soft laugh escaped his lips as he moved off me onto his side. He looked at me, tucking a strand behind my ear as he stared melancholically.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently.

He nodded, his gaze lowering to my lips.

I adverted my gaze, thinking about Katie, about Dominic. Something happened between them, something serious.

Suddenly, his hand was on my neck as he leaned in to kiss me. It was slow and gentle, but there was an underlying passion, a kind of desperation in it.

He pulled away slightly with a small smile and spoke softly. "You taste like strawberries."

Heat rose to my face.

Dominic laughed softly, his eyes hiding some sort of sadness. "I like it. You should eat strawberries more often," he teases.

I smile, embarrassed.

Dominic's smile fades slightly, his hand still resting on my neck. His voice takes on a serious tone, "I know I've been distant lately. I want to tell you, I need to actually, but... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."

I nod, "it's okay. Take your time... I'll be here."

He leans in to kiss me again.

He starts off slow and gentle, but there's a sense of urgency and hunger that wasn't there before. I can feel the weight of his sadness lifting slightly, replaced by a sense of comfort and connection.

He takes my arms, wrapping them around his neck, and brings me closer. His hands finding the curves of my body, sending shivers down my spine.

I pull back quickly as a sense of panic and fear takes hold of me. His hands are still resting on my waist as I look down, trying to hide the heaviness in my breath. He leans in, his voice soft, "are you okay?"

I take a deep breath, my heartbeat racing. "I'm sorry... It's..." I look at him and he seems to understand.

"I get it. I don't want to rush you into anything." He leans in once more and kisses my forehead.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now