Chapter Thirty-Two

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Violet and I went walking the next day. She told me about the hike she had went on, enjoying the fresh air. She wanted to do it more often. So, we walked along the sidewalks, glancing into the shop windows, light streaming out into the darkness.

I had told her about Owen.

She asked about Maverick, wondering if he was still interested. I nodded.

"You could try giving one of them a chance," she said, glancing at me.

"I can't, Violet," I replied quietly. "They could be the same. They could do anything to me."

We found a bench and sat down. "... Not everyone's the same." She spoke gently.

I sighed, looking down at my feet. "... It's hard."

"I know." She looked at her hands, scratches across her palms.

I looked back at her, taking in a deep breath. I almost wanted to say something, break the silence, but nothing came to mind.

"... Do you know any of them very well?" She asked slowly. I shook my head.

"Maybe you could ask Mini to meet them-"

"No," I interrupted. "No, Violet... I can't, I just..." I released a shaky breath. "I can't trust as easily as you did."

She looked down, resting her hands on her legs. "I didn't. It was really hard for me to trust Dominic... I still feel scared around men."

I shivered. The wind started to pick up. "... Do you think it'll always be like that? Will it just disappear one day?"

Violet took a moment to think before answering. "I don't know. It might never go away."

The streetlights cast a warm glow across our faces, highlighting the shadows cast by our bodies. The sound of the occasional car passing by and distant voices.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Violet stood up, pulling her sweater closer around her. "Let's go get some hot chocolate." She smiled, almost child-like.

I smiled gratefully at her, getting up as well.

We walked towards the nearest cafe. As we entered, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and chocolate hit my nose, breathing in deeply, savoring the warm scent. We ordered two hot chocolates and took our drinks to a small table in the corner. 

The warmth of the drink spread through my body. We didn't talk, just sat in a comfortable silence and watched as every now and then a customer would walk in and order something.

Eventually, we finished our drinks and went outside, our footsteps echoing on the pavement. The wind was cold, biting my cheeks and nose.

Maybe one day, I could trust again. Maybe life could get better. Maybe I could let my guard down and open up. Maybe I wouldn't feel so scared. Maybe one day, I could feel safe, truly safe.

I walked with Violet, the cold wind on my face.

I wanted to heal. I didn't want to be afraid anymore. I wanted to trust again. I wanted peace.

I made a silent promise to myself.

I wanted to try.

Don't Touch Her Act 2: Finding PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now