Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Katie never came into school, Dominic never answered my text. Macy even sat by me at lunch and asked if I had heard from her - I shook my head.

She lowered her voice despite it being just me and her at one end of the long table and the loud room, "you've heard about Mini?" She asked carefully.

I nodded, swallowed the part of my carrot I'd been chewing, and looked at her.

"Yeah," she looked down sadly, "I heard she had been doing treatment for some time. I don't know if you noticed, but she's been wearing wigs."

I shook my head, both surprised and confused. I never knew she was. Occasionally, she would wear hair bands that lay across her hairline, but aside from that, I never knew.

She is doing treatment then, I thought, hopefully.

"Apparently, she had a doctors appointment sometime last week," she paused a moment, looking me in the eye to a point that made me feel uncomfortable and looked down. "Katie told me she came home crying."

"What does that mean?" I asked, fear crawling up my spine.

"I don't know. Even with that, I hope treatment is working."

I nodded as she got up to put her tray away. I pushed my food back, suddenly put out by it.

I took out my phone, suddenly more desperate for a message from anyone, it didn't matter who. Katie, Dominic, Clara, Mini herself.

But the screen was blank except a little weather notification warning me about low temperatures and potential ice.

I continued to check my phone throughout the day, an abnormal amount for me. Jumping at the sound of a small chime, disappointed to find it was either the weather app or some message from an online company I accidentally signed up for.

For twelve hours, not a single message.

Then, at eight that night, I was doing my homework, trying to keep busy. Clara was in the kitchen, putting dishes away when my phone chimed.

It was Dominic.

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